Christmas, 2017: Nativity of the Lord "Wonder, Awe, Praise...and Gift-giving!"

This morning’s homily is informed by the teaching of my O.T. Professor at Eden Seminary, Rev. Dr. Walter Brueggemann, taken from his book: “Gift & Task.”

"Christmas day is an occasion for wonder, awe, praise...and gift giving. Gift giving done rightly is an imitation of the self-giving of God. Too much of our gift giving, however, is a misleading indicator of what it means to be a loving Christian. We must admit we give too much to those who do not need. We overwhelm our children with too much stuff. We give in calculation, keeping lists of dollar amounts each of our children receive. Or in spasms of compassion we give to those in need, but only for a day, without attention to the socio-economic structures that produce and sustain need."

Blessings to you and Merry Christmas to all!