A Labor Day Message: September 2, 2019

A Labor Day Message: September 2, 2019
Enjoy the fruits of labor; if not for ourselves, for others.
Ecclesiastes 3:22
"There is nothing better than that all should enjoy their work, for that is their lot."
We celebrate labor day and give thanks that we are able to do work.
What better reason to work than because we are capable of it and our bodies and minds are made to do work. Work is our purpose and we should do it well.
This weekend we celebrate our labors; the importance of work and the contributions of those who labor. For without labor and hard work little would be accomplished.
One of the great directives of Jesus was to send out the disciples to do His and God's work. Jesus sent them out in pairs, with little more than what was on their backs. Jesus expected the disciples to accomplish great things in His name, with little more than faith and their own God given abilities.
In a similar manner we work to produce results; we work to produce income to support our families; we work because we are driven by accomplishments to improve not only ourselves but the condition of the world.
This weekend, give thanks that you can be productive, understanding the value of hard work. Give thanks that many have labored in the name of the Lord that the world might be a better place to live.